Bible verses for financial breakthrough

Did you know that the Bible not only talks about spirituality, but also helps you in other aspects of life such as money management? In this article, we will teach you some finance verses from the Bible.

Bible verses about finances

One thing that should define Christians is service to society and our integration in it; for the Word of God tells us that we should love all people, regardless of their condition.

Anything that deviates from this could be considered sectarian behavior that is very harmful to people and in our times, many false prophets take advantage of people’s good faith.

So that no one can deceive you, today we will look at the best verses about money of the Bible and all the teachings that can be drawn from it on this subject. Are you going to miss it?

We start with a video to introduce you to how the Bible talks about finances:

Bible Verses On Finances | Scriptures For Financial Breakthrough (Audio Bible)

Verses about finances and money

Psalms For Financial Breakthrough | Psalms for Increase, Wealth and Prosperity.

Next, we will look at verses about finances in general; where you can learn what attitude to have towards it, how to manage it and many other things you probably didn’t know.

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and become slaves to their many desires. These foolish and harmful pursuits plunge people into ruin and destruction.” (1 Timothy 6:9 NIV)

In the first epistle to Timothy, there is an entire section dedicated to money and, in particular, it deals with how to avoid greed and the low value of money. Here he puts on the same level those who enrich themselves as the ultimate goal and those who fall into temptation.

As we have said before, the pursuit of money and the Christian life are not compatible. Christian life in love for God.

Ill-gotten money soon runs out;

Whoever saves will grow rich little by little.” (Proverbs 13:11 NIV)

Again, Proverbs with its wonderful teachings leaves us this beautiful phrase in which he motivates us to save and not waste our money. So, manage your money carefully and save whenever you can.

Pay to each his due: if you owe taxes, pay the taxes; if you owe taxes, pay the taxes; to whom you owe respect, show respect; to whom you owe honor, render honor.” (Romans 13:7 NIV)

Here we see clearly what we were talking about earlier about participation in society. Honesty and love of neighbor are indisputable characteristics of Christians and must be scrupulously observed.

It is therefore necessary to collaborate with society in order for it to function, by paying debts and taxes, as well as helping those in need.

Better to acquire wisdom than gold;

It is better to acquire understanding than silver.” (Proverbs 16:16 NIV)

Proverbs comes again with a beautiful teaching that could be useful for all people in the world, believers or not. It tells us about cultivate intelligence and not to pursue riches with madness.

To the rich in this world, command them not to be arrogant or to put their hope in riches, which are so insecure, but in God, who provides us with everything in abundance for our enjoyment.” (1 Timothy 6:17 NIV)

As far as we can see, the issue of materialism was a problem in the time of Paul of Tarsus and really, little has changed, little has changed since then so that everything is still valid today.

This verse is addressed to those who possess riches, and tells them not to trust themselves with them and to seek God for it is the Lord who will provide them with the true riches of this world in abundance.

Better the little of a righteous man

than that of countless wicked” (Psalm 37:16 NIV).

In the Psalms there are also references to money like this one here. The main teaching of this verse is that the real value of money is not the important thing, rather it is what gets this money to the one who has it.

This reminds us of the episode of Jesus and the widow’s widow’s offering in Luke 21, in which a very poor widow cast what little she had as an offering into the temple. The excerpt is as follows

Lifting up his eyes, he saw the rich pouring their offerings into the treasury. He also saw a very poor widow, who was casting two white women there. And he said, Verily I say unto you, This poor widow hath cast more than all. For they all cast in for God’s offerings out of their surplus; but this one cast in out of her poverty all the food she had.” (Luke 21:1-4)

Thus, humility leads us to do things from a sincerity that comes from the heart and nothing can be perverse. The rich could give all their money to charity and not throw what they have left over to show the world how rich they are.

For this reason, we should never despise an act of charity, however small it may be when it comes from humble people who seek to feel close to God by giving what they need.

What does God say about money?

After reading the above verses, we leave you with a few more uncommented examples. Read God’s Word carefully and understand the true meaning of money through Him.

As you will see, many of them are taken from the Book of Proverbs, since it is a volume especially made to educate the faithful. Moreover, the version of all of them is that of the Bible. New International Version (NIV), in case you want to look them up.

The blessing of the Lord brings riches,
and there is nothing to be gained by worrying.

(Proverbs 10:22)

Honor the Lord with your riches
and with the first fruits of your harvest.
(Proverbs 3:9)

Better to have little, with fear of the Lord,
than great riches with great distress.
(Proverbs 15:16)


But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give you these freewill offerings? Truly, you are the owner of everything, and what we have given you, we have received from you.
(1 Chronicles 29:14)

His master replied, “You have done well, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful in a little; I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share your master’s happiness!”
(Matthew 25:21)


Remove falsehood and lies from me;
give me neither poverty nor riches,
but only the daily bread.
(Proverbs 30:8)


Loyalty is expected of every man.
Better to be poor than a liar.
(Proverbs 19:22)


Have you been able to see them? They do not exist!
It’s as if they were sprouting wings,
for they fly away like eagles.
(Proverbs 23:5)

A good reputation is worth more than great riches,

and a good reputation more than gold and silver.

(Proverbs 22:1)


That is why you pay taxes, because the authorities are at the service of God, dedicated precisely to govern.
(Romans 13:6)


Ill-gotten wealth avails nothing,
but righteousness delivers from death.
(Proverbs 10:2)

In the day of wrath it profiteth nothing to be rich,

but righteousness delivers from death.
(Proverbs 11:4)

A walled city is wealth for the rich,
and he believes that its walls are impregnable.

(Proverbs 18:11)

The love of money in the Bible

One of the world’s greatest evils is greed and materialism, which abound in this consumer society in which we are encouraged every day to become richer in order to be able to spend what we earn.

This generates a hunger for money and that many people do not know how to control. The love of money is not love, it is a dangerous obsession. The Bible also talks about it, let’s see it.

“Keep yourselves free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for God has said:

“I will never leave you;

I will never leave you.”

(Hebrews 13:5 NIV)

The first verse makes it very clear: stay away from the love of money and be content with what you have. Moreover, give a good reason for it, you do not need more, since the Lord will give you everything you need through his love and power.

“Be careful! -he warned the people. Refrain from all greed; a person’s life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15 NIV)

In the Gospels there are also examples, such as this one from Luke in which Jesus himself tells us to abandon all greed and let us be humble. The Lord does not judge us by our economic level, by our works.

He who loves money is not satisfied with money. He who loves riches can never have enough, even this is absurd” (Ecclesiastes 5:10).

And there are not only examples in the New Testament! This verse from Ecclesiastes 5 written many years earlier already spoke of how the love of money is a empty and false love that only brings problems.

Do not toil in accumulating wealth;

do not obsess over them.” (Proverbs 23:4 NIV)

As could not be otherwise, the great book of Proverbs, which contains so many teachings, also dedicates some verses to covetousness. You can see that he doesn’t even use the word love of money, but directly qualifies it as an obsession.

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils. By coveting it, some have strayed from the faith and have caused themselves many, many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6:10 NIV)

Another biblical verse on the love of money is the one above, again written by Paul of Tarsus to Timothy. It is not compatible to love money and to love God, and the former leads to trouble and destruction.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

Jesus is aware of our human weakness and knows the passions that move human beings. He tells us: instead of accumulating earthly riches, accumulate the celestial ones and then you can love them with your heart.

Psalms and prayers for finances

If at any time you suffer financial problems as we have said, we must avoid the pursuit of money, but at the same time fulfill basic needs.

In the following video, you will find 7 psalms so that you do not lack money, and you can dedicate more of your time to helping others. Remember to pray these psalms with humility and always remembering that the ultimate goal is to love others.

Scriptures for Prosperity and Wealth - Listen While You Sleep

With this, we end today’s article on wealth, dollars and materialism; as well as what God’s Word tells us about it. Always seek to serve God and do not be blinded by the consumerism that abounds in our days.

May God protect you and not allow you to lack anything, so that you can serve Him without suffering and do not hesitate to thank Him for everything He gives you. Best regards and see you in the next article!


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