Meaning in the Bible of Piety

In this article, we explain the meaning of the concept of godly and add some examples of godly men found in the Bible. If you are interested… Read on!

Piety, Bible definition

The term “pious” refers to a person who acts with fear and reverence for God and strives to live according to His principles and teachings. The Bible mentions many godly people throughout its history, and these people are presented as role models for their faith and obedience to God.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Piety

Examples of piety men in the Bible

  • Abraham

One of the best known people mentioned as godly in the Bible is Abraham, who is described as “godly before God” (Genesis 15:6). Abraham demonstrated his pious obedience when God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac as an act of faith. Abraham was willing to obey God even though it meant sacrificing what he loved most.

  • Micah

Another godly person mentioned in the Bible is Micah, an Old Testament prophet who spoke on behalf of God and advised the people of Israel to return to God and live according to His commandments. Micah is known for his famous words:

“What does the Lord require of you? That you act justly, that you love mercy and walk humbly with you your God” (Micah 6:8).

  • Other examples in the Bible

In the New Testament, Jesus also mentions many pious people, including the poor widow who gave all she had in an offering to the temple (Luke 21:1-4) and the woman who anointed Jesus with perfume while he was in the house of Simon the Pharisee (Luke 7:36-50). These examples show how godly obedience to God can manifest itself in different ways in daily life.

We hope this article has helped you solve your doubts about the meaning of piety. If you want to know more about other biblical words or discover interesting Christian content, click here.


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