Christian friendship quotes

Discover the best christian phrases and reflections on friendship. These prayers will inspire you, give you strength, and faith in the love of God and those around us.

Giving love is expressing what we feel to our friends and loved ones and other loved ones for their company and generosity. It is an act of gratitude that fills the soul and makes us happier.

With the reflections and words of friendship that we propose to you today, you also transmit the word of God and His love. the word of God and his love for your neighbor.

Keep reading if you want to know the most beautiful christian friendship phrases, images, verses and reflections..

Best Christian friendship quotes

Best Christian Friendship Quotes ❤️👫 - Friend Biblical Quotes

The phrases and texts and texts that we share below are a good way to surprise a friend by surprise a friend by expressing your love. You can send them or, if you prefer, read them in difficult moments when you need encouragement.

Read on and discover the 15 most beautiful Christian messages for your friends:

“I consider you a very angelic person and that is why I think God put you in my path and is blessing my life with a great friendship that we have maintained for many years.”

“God knows why he put you in my path, because if I had not met you I would still be living as an agnostic. No one better than you to teach me how to live the word of our Savior.”

“In spite of the distance, my little friend, I want you to know that there is not a day that goes by that I don’t stop remembering the beautiful moments we have shared and to thank the Lord for having you as a friend. Many blessings.”

“In a few words I just want to thank you for being my little friend and bless you for the rest of your life.”

“Because friendship is sharing and sharing is something that God likes, happy friendship day.”

“There are few friends who are with us through thick and thin, one of them is Jesus, happy friendship day.”

“I thank God’s infinite mercy that always blesses our table and today I am sharing my food with a very dear friend who is always welcome in my home.”

“You are a very special person to my life, you have made sad moments turn into joy, I thank God for giving me the blessing of having you when I need it most.”

“Thank you for all the times you have been with me, in good times and bad, I feel blessed to know that I have a special person in my life, I love you so much friend.”

“With you, dear friend of my heart, I have learned so many wonderful things about life that I didn’t know until you came along.”

“If it were not for the Lord it would not have been possible for us to meet. I am a faithful believer that all the good things that happen in people’s lives are works of him.”

“There is no doubt, nor will there ever be, that the Lord is the most beautiful thing that can exist on the planet called earth. He is our strength and our life.

“Every time I am with you, I feel something of God in you as you always have a smile and beautiful details with me.”

“I pray to God to always keep our friendship strong, for it is one of the most valuable treasures I have in this life and one that I wish never to lose. You have no idea how important you are to me, my friend”.

“I learned that friends are: For cold, shelter. For darkness, light. For fear, shelter. For adversity, hope. I love you so much for being my unconditional friend.”

Christian images with friendship messages

Here we share with you beautiful images with phrases and messages of friendship that inspire us and give us strength.

You can share them with your friends, family and other loved ones through social networks or by WhatsAppThey will surely be surprised and appreciate you expressing their love!

You can also download them to read them whenever you need them most.. Are you ready? Here we go!

Christian friendship quotes

Best Christian friendship quotes


Christian friendship verses and prayers

God created us for relationships and friendship is a gift because it allows us to trust, give and receive love. Friendship is a theme that is very present in the Biblewhere we find reflections on the love friends, how to choose a good friend or how to forgive. how to forgive.

Therefore, below you will find the 10 most inspirational verses about friendship for you to reflect on:

Do not abandon your friend or your father’s friend. A close neighbor is better than a distant brother.

(Proverbs 27:10)

Perfume and incense gladden the heart; the sweetness of friendship strengthens the spirit.

(Proverbs 27:9)

More trustworthy is the friend who wounds than the enemy who kisses.

(Proverbs 27:6)

He who forgives offense cultivates love; he who insists on offense divides friends.

(Proverbs 17:9)

Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

(John 15:13)

A friend who suffers is comforted, even if he has forgotten the Almighty.

(Job 6:14)

Don’t be fooled: bad company corrupts good manners

(Corinthians 15:33)

Be affectionate to one another with brotherly love; with honor, give preference to one another;

(Romans 12:10)

The righteous is a guide to his neighbor

(Proverbs 12:26)

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in harmony!

(Psalms 133:1).

We hope these prayers and verses have served as inspiration for you. We recommend that you write them down on a piece of paper and read them from time to time, they will certainly help you!

Why read and listen to Christian phrases of friendship?

Read, listen and share messages of friendship is an act of gratitude, sensitivity and love. It allows us to to express what we feel to our loved ones and it is something very valuable for the one who receives our affection.

It allows us to to maintain more lasting relationships with the person who accompanies us and it is a way of getting closer and giving give thank God for being we are so fortunate to have people who love and support us at all times.

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