Bible verses about greed

Greed is a very bad quality that is very present in our society. But what does the Bible tell us about it? Greed already existed many years ago, so it appears many, many times in our Holy Scriptures. Let’s see it!

Greed in the Bible

Christians grow up educated in the love of the Lordย invites us to humility and generosity towards the people around us, whether they are believers or non-believers.

However, this is often difficult in a world where the opposite abounds, and where the message of God message of God is only something heard by strangers and has nothing to do with everyday life.

We want to show you what role greed has in all this, reviewing the deadly sins and what the Bible says about it. By doing so, you will be able to fight the greed of others and your own greed in order to bring God closer to all people.

Open your heart to learn with generosity and thus create a better world. Let’s get started!

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Greed definition and meaning in the Bible

Greed is part of the 7 Christian deadly sins, being all of them: anger, gluttony, pride, lust, sloth, greed, avarice and envy..

We are not going to go into much detail about the biblical meaning of greed, since that is what the rest of this article is about, and in this part we just want to make clear the differences between the deadly sins of the deadly sins.

Greed consists of performing actions detrimental to others with the intention of obtaining a personal benefit whether material or not.

You should not confuse it with selfishness, for selfishness is not a sin in itself, but rather an attitude that leads you to commit sins such as greed, pride or laziness that harm others.

To combat greed, it is necessary to generosity. Giving without expecting anything in return is a fundamental Christian virtue that we should all exercise with love and care.

Examples of greed in the Bible

There are many examples of verses about greed in the Bible, as well as some episodes that refer to it.

Below, you will find the well-known parable of the rich fool, which includes the verses Luke 12:13-21 and tells the parable that Jesus explains to the crowd about a rich and greedy man.

Parable of the Rich Fool

13 One from the crowd asked him:

-Master, tell my brother to share the inheritance with me.

14 -Man,” Jesus replied, “who appointed me as judge or arbitrator among you?

15 “Be careful! -he warned the people. Abstain from all greed; a person’s life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions”.

16 Then he told them this parable:

-A rich man’s land yielded him a good crop.

17 So he began to think, “What am I going to do? I have nowhere to store my harvest.

18 Finally he said, “I know what I am going to do: I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, where I can store all my grain and my goods.

19 And I will say, my soul, you have enough good things in store for many years to come. Rest, eat, drink and enjoy life”.

20 But God said to him, “You fool! This very night they are going to claim your life, and who will keep what you have accumulated?”

21 “So it is with him who stores up riches for himself, instead of being rich before God.”

As you can see, it is a great example of greed, andย now we are going to analyze it so that you can understand it well and know what consequences greedy behaviors have for people.

The farmer has been accumulating wealth in the form of grain that he has harvested from his properties. However, instead of making sure that the people around him do not go hungry, he decides to save all the grain and try to get more.

This farmer puts the meaning of his life in getting more grain and more wealth, and forgets that one day he will leave this world and none of the fortune he has acquired will be taken with him when his life is over.

Jesus shows us how it happens; much sooner than the farmer expected, and he stands before God empty-handed, having led a miserly life and never having helped others. others.

Before the Lord, no matter the riches material of our earthly world. Thus, he accumulates spiritual wealth, teaching the Word of God to those who do not know it and helping all people in need.

This is generosity, as we have already said, quite contrary to the greed of the foolish rich. May the Lord help us to be generous and to avoid any kind of greed that may dirty our path.

Prayer against greed

To end today’s article, we leave you with a precious prayer against greed which will help you to cleanse your soul and mind and to better exercise your generosity towards others.

Pray calmly and surrender your heart to the Lord with humility, remembering all the deadly sins and also the virtues; and ask God to help you in this difficult mission of avoiding temptation and living a Christian life.

Prayer Against Greed | Prayers To Overcome Greediness

In addition, we have created this short prayer against greed for you, so that with a few words you can feel better and dedicate some time of your day to God. We hope you like it!



help me to avoid the caress

and act generously to others,

help me to give with humility

and expect nothing in return.

May the message of your love

make in me a more generous heart

and may nothing keep me from your path.

Thank you, Lord, for this life.



With this prayer, we come to the end of this article about greed in the Bible, where we have also remembered all the deadly sins and their associated virtues to know the differences between them.

We hope you found this article helpful in combating greed and learn more about its biblical meaning. We say goodbye now and remind you that if you want more articles like this one, keep reading!


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