Meaning of Holy Week for Christians


The Holy Week also known as the Semana Santa is a Christian holiday that lasts for seven days beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Resurrection Sunday.

It is very popular among our society, since it means a truce to classes, work and daily obligations, but not everyone knows the meaning and the biblical explanation of Holy Week.

That’s why today we bring you an article that explains why Easter is celebrated, its meaning and the reasons for its festivity.

Biblical Explanation of Holy Week

Holy Week in Three Minutes

Holy Week is one of the most important celebrations. It begins after Lent, a period of forty days in which Jesus prepared himself spiritually in the desert.

During Holy Week we commemorate the Easter Triduum, which signifies the last days and experiences of Jesus of Nazareth, the son of God: the passion, death and resurrection.

For Christians, it is a period to pray and reflect on the life of Jesus Christ and his great compassion and clemency in making the decision to receive his condemnation in order to free humanity from its guilt and weaknesses.

On the other hand, the Holy Week means is also a time to meditate on our actions and to set out on the path to approach God, his wise words His wise words and teachings.

Other popular and characteristic images of the Holy Week are its events. Christians attend processions, a representation of the passion and death of Jesus that is celebrated during the Easter Triduum.

We leave you the procession of La Estrella one of the best known in Spain, celebrated in Seville:

Procesión La Estrella Semana Santa de Sevilla

Easter Triduum of Holy Week

We understand as Easter Triduum the last three days of Holy Week, during which during which the passion, death and resurrection are remembered. Ct is the central moment of Holy Week and of the liturgical year.

Maundy Thursday

On Holy Thursday we commemorate the last supper of Jesus Christ with the disciples. According to the Bible, we also celebrate the Washing of the Feet of Jesus to his disciples, and it is the day when Catholics thank Jesus for the gift of communion and priesthood by visiting the seven temples.

Good Friday

The Good Friday is the day that celebrates the Passion of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion on Calvary, an act of mercy to save mankind save humanity and give it eternal life. Some of the Good Friday customs for Catholics include fasting, abstinence from meat, praying the Stations of the Cross, covering images of Jesus or dressing the Virgin Mary in mourning.

Holy Saturday

The Holy Saturday is the day between the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ a day of reflection and silence which commemorates the image of Jesus in his tomb. The Holy Saturday (until 1955 called Saturday of Glory), represents a day of sorrow and sadness that ends with the Easter Vigil.

Some of the Holy Saturday customs performed by the Church and Catholics are not to ring the bells, to leave the Tabernacle empty and open and not to perform any sacrament, thus remembering Mary’s Solitude.

Easter Sunday

The Easter Sunday o Easter Sunday is the day on which the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated. For Christians, represents a joyful day of hope and faith in a new life that opens the way, celebrating that Christ conquered death.

Sunday Mass to remember this historic deed and the Easter Candle is lit. Paschal Candle is lit, remains lit until Ascension Day. Ascension Day representing the light of Christ.

But its meaning is much broader and more important for Catholics, since in addition to the Resurrection we also celebrate our own liberation and the victory over sin.

St. Paul tells us:

If Christ had not risen, our faith would be in vain” (I Corinthians 15:14).

The 4 symbols of Holy Week

In addition to the celebrations and the deep meaning of Holy Week for Catholics, another of its popular elements are its symbols and acts. Below, you can learn about the history of the symbols of Holy Week.

Palms and bouquets

Palms and branches in Christians symbolize victory. According to Christian tradition and history, when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey, the locals greeted him singing and waving palms and branches.

They are currently placed on balconies, windows and doors to protect the inhabitants of that home.

The Paschal candle

The Paschal Candle is a large white candle that represents the death and resurrection of the death and resurrection of Jesus the light and life of the world. On the Paschal Candle we find engraved the letters Alpha and Omega meaning that God is the beginning and the end.

Bread and wine

Bread and wine are a symbol of eternal life. They represent the body and blood of Jesus. Its meaning can also represent the union of Catholics.

According to the Bible, whoever eats the bread will have eternal life and whoever drinks its blood (wine) will have his sins forgiven. Both foods are eaten by Christians in the morning and evening. Evening Mass on Holy Thursday.

Easter bunnies and eggs

The rabbit represents life and fertility especially the life of Jesus Christand his capacity for faith and endurance.

The custom of giving eggs as gifts on Easter Day is very old. It arose from abstinence during Lent. Since Catholics could not eat meat, eggs and dairy products during this period of time, at the end of Lent they would gather in front of churches to give each other eggs decorated with festive motifs.

We hope you enjoyed this article about one of the most important moments of the year for our community. We invite you to discover other interesting articles on our website.


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