Psalm 73 meaning and message

Do you feel that on many occasions people who do wrong get better rewards than those who do right? Then stay, Psalm 73 of the Bible has something to tell you, and it will teach you that this is not so. Do you want to know?

Psalm 73 kjv 

Psalm 73 Reading: The Tragedy of the Wicked, and the Blessedness of Trust in God (With words - KJV)

The differences between good and bad have always been very clear when we look at them from the perspective of the Christian Scriptures, and there is no room for doubt when it comes to identifying a good or bad action.

Even so, it is frequent in our daily lives to see people being unjust, selfish or bad in any sense of the word and not receiving any punishment. What’s more, it often even seems that acting maliciously is beneficial.

The Psalm 73 of the Bible shows us that this is not so, that acting well has its reward and acting badly its punishment. You just need to look beyond, through your heart and realize the things that really matter.

From Your Online Bible, we want to make known this precious psalm, to remove the doubts to those who need it and bring the Word of God to everyone. For this reason, if you like our content, we invite you to share this article and our website with your loved ones and let everyone enjoy the wonders of the Bible.

Go ahead with this article on Psalm 73!

Psalm 73 in today’s language

Below, you will find the Psalm 73 TLA recited in a very moving and inspiring video. Stop whatever you are doing and enjoy a few moments of good company with the Lord.

It is a somewhat complicated psalm, especially because of its fundamental meaning. Reflect on each verse and, if you don’t understand any of them, don’t worry because later you will find it written in the text and explained in our Bible commentary.

Psalm 73 • Seeing my Life Correctly

Psalm 73 in English and large print

What is promised is due, so here you can find the Psalm 73 of the English Bible the king james version version in its entirety.

This version is one of the most valued and appreciated by experts due to its high degree of fidelity to the original Hebrew text. If you are thinking of purchasing a Bible, king james version is a very good option.

The fate of the bad guys

Psalm of Asaph.

1 Surely God is good to Israel,

To the pure in heart.

2 As for me, my feet almost slipped;

My steps almost slipped.

3 Because I was envious of the arrogant,

Seeing the prosperity of the wicked.

4 Because they have no sorrow for their death,

For his vigor is intact.

5 They do not pass jobs like other mortals,

Nor are they whipped like other men.

6 Therefore, pride crowns them;

They are covered in a dress of violence.

7 Their eyes bulge with fatness;

They more than satisfy the cravings of the heart.

8 They scoff and talk viciously about doing violence;

They speak haughtily.

9 They put their mouth against the sky,

And his tongue wanders the earth.

10 Therefore God will bring his people back here,

And waters in abundance shall be drawn for them.

11 And they say: How does God know?

And is there knowledge in the Most High?

12 Behold these ungodly men,

Untroubled by the world, they attained riches.

13 Truly in vain have I cleansed my heart,

And washed my hands in innocence;

14 For I have been whipped all day,

And punished every morning.

15 If I should say: I will speak like them,

Behold, I would deceive the generation of your children.

16 When I thought to know this,

It was hard work for me,

17 Until entering the sanctuary of God,

I understood the end of them.

18 You have certainly put them on slides;

Thou shalt cause them to fall in desolations.

19 How suddenly they have been devastated!

They perished, consumed with terrors.

20 As a dream from which it awakens,

So, Lord, when you awake, you will despise their appearance.

21 My soul was filled with bitterness,

And in my heart I felt pangs.

22 So clumsy was I, that I did not understand;

It was like a beast in front of you.

23 All in all, I was always with you;

You took my right hand.

24 You have guided me according to your advice,

And then you will receive me in glory.

25 Whom have I in heaven but you?

And apart from you I desire nothing on earth.

26 My flesh and my heart faint;

But the rock of my heart and my portion is God forever.

27 For behold, those who turn away from you will perish;

You will destroy everyone who turns away from you.

28 But as for me, to draw near to God is good;

I have put my hope in the Lord Jehovah,

To count all your works.

Explanation and meaning of Psalm 73

Psalm 73 has a global structure that makes its analysis easier. As you have been able to read, the first verses (Psalms 73:1-12) are written in the third person, that is to say, talking about them.

In this fragment Asaph refers to the wicked and to sinners, He poses the problem that we have all thought about at some point: Why do evil people seem to live without any problems while those who try to do good always have complications?

This he develops in the second fragment (Psalms 73:13-17), in which he gives voice to his own reflections and inner conflicts. Thus, here are the register changes, and Asaf uses the first-person singular throughout. The main pronoun is “I”.

This block of verses shows us that in order to understand the root of the problem, a personal effort is needed of analysis and introspection. It is impossible to understand the solution without first having reflected on it intimately.

Finally, in the third part of Psalm 73 (Psalms 73:18-22), Asaph explains the solution to this moral dilemma that has tormented so many of us at one time or another. This solution can be none other than God and faith, so that in these verses we can only find a solution through faith.e use the “you” referring to God.

It cannot be otherwise, for the true benefit of doing good is spiritual happiness. Spiritual happiness and God’s protection, as well as salvation and eternal life after material death. On the other hand, material happiness is ephemeral and attracts future misfortunes.

The last verses of the psalm use a mixture of “I” and “you”, trying to establish a link with the Lord. To establish a link with the Lord that will remove him from this dilemma and through faith he will never need to ask this question again.

After this general commentary on Psalm 73, let’s take a closer look at the analysis in detail of some of the most important verses, so that you can see with practical examples what we have explained.

Psalm 73:3

Because I was envious of the arrogant,

Seeing the prosperity of the wicked.

The third verse of Psalm 73 puts us directly in the situation. Envy is a natural, is a natural feeling in the situation we have been discussing throughout this article.

Even so, the fact that it is natural does not mean that we should be satisfied with it, since, as Asaf himself proposes, it is essential to reflect and get closer to God to eliminate it and feel better.

Without this work of self-improvement, envy will turn us into what we do not want and will lead us astray. And will lead us astray. After all, we are human beings, corruptible in the face of temptation.

The best remedy for this is prayer and study of the Holy Scriptures. The Bible always shows us the path to follow, and we should turn to it when doubts cause us to stray.

Psalm 73:17

Until entering the sanctuary of God,

I understood the end of them.”

This is the last verse of the introspection part performed by Asaf. Many evil thoughts have passed through his mind, and nothing has made him turn away from that envy felt in the first verses.

All seems lost until Asaph turns to the Lord, and it shows you the solution. And so it is, just by seeking God we will find many solutions to our problems, even though sometimes it may seem impossible.

If the solution does not come immediately, as if it were a revelation, we must not lose heart, and we must persevere in prayer. Persevere in prayer and praises to the Lord. This is the only way to overcome the most difficult problems and solve the most intricate dilemmas.

Psalm 73:23

All in all, I was always with you;

You held my right hand.”

We now come to the part of the relationship between the believer and the Lord. This verse teaches us that in order for everything to work correctly, this relationship must be bidirectional.

It is not valid to say “the Lord is with me” without accompanying it with “and I am with the Lord”. This is what Asaph does in verse 23, where he states that. He is with the Lord. To be with God means to believe firmly in Him, and that this faith be sincere.

Before we ask the Lord for things, let us always ask ourselves if we are acting as the Lord would want us to act, and if we love Him as much as we want Him to love us. Whether we love Him as much as we want Him to love us. These reflections are very important, even if we sometimes forget to make them.

Psalm 73:25 and Psalm 73:26

Whom have I in heaven but thee?

And apart from you I desire nothing on earth.

My flesh and my heart faint;

But the rock of my heart and my portion is God forever.”

This pair of verses provides the solution to our initial dilemma, and they do so in a beautiful and powerful way, difficult to match. Few verses have this intensity, and even less are complemented with this beauty in the words.

The Lord is our way of life, our guide and our refuge. Nothing material can overcome the spiritual satiety that faith gives us and, even if our strength fails, our spirit will remain intact if we bring it closer to the Lord.

This then is the solution, to recognize the true riches in the spiritual and to refuse the ambitions that make us accumulate material goods. It is not an easy task, But the reward of understanding it and living accordingly is unimaginable.

Psalm 73:28 NIV

For me good is being close to God.

I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge

to count all his works.

Finally, here is the last verse of the psalm in a more updated language more updated language We believe it conveys the intended message in a much more beautiful way.

The first sentence already gives us a peace and tranquility worth remembering. The good is to be close to God, with all that this entails for our lives. This verse reflects very well what our religion is, even though it was written many years before Jesus came into the world.

Stay with this message, and in this way you will avoid falling into envy or doubts about other people who, without knowing God, allow themselves to be led astray. And whenever you can, tries to enlighten these people with the Word of God, making them know how to rectify and find salvation.

Who wrote Psalm 73

Unlike almost all the psalms belonging to the Book of Psalms in which Psalm 73 is found in the Bible, this psalm was not written by King David or Moses.

Instead, as you can read in the title, this psalm was written by Asaph. This was an important musician who lived in Israel during the reign of David, being the chief musician of the temple in Jerusalem.

In some texts, it is said that Asaph was also a prophet and who transmitted his visions with the harp. Be that as it may, Asaph was an important character in his time, although he has not been so well known in the Christian tradition.

Other psalms have Asaph in their title, so this was not the only psalm this was not the only psalm he wrote. Some schools of thought suggest that these psalms were not written by him, but for him to interpret them musically. Even so, there is no evidence to support this fact.

Psalm 73 Devotional

To conclude this article on Psalm 73, we propose something very beautiful and quite unique. In the following video, they will narrate the psalm as if the narrator were Asaph himself, increasing the energy and feeling of the psalm to a great extent.

Enjoy this devotional and use it to feel closer to the Lord and further away from the stress and speed of everyday life.

Truly God Is Good - Psalm 73 - Jon Courson

That has been all for today in this article on Psalm 73.

We hope you enjoyed it and that you learned as much as possible, at the same time that you took the opportunity to disconnect from your day-to-day life and had a good time with the Lord. If you wish to continue with your reading, we recommend you to consult Psalm 145, Psalm 116 or if you wish, consult Your Bible Online for more Psalms.

See you next time!


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